Artists Run Chicago 2.0

“Hyde Park Art Center is proud to celebrate the work of fifty artist-run spaces and organizations that fuel Chicago’s independent art scene in the upcoming exhibition Artists Run Chicago 2.0

To mark the ten-year anniversary of the original Art Center exhibition, Artists Run Chicago (2009), this upcoming exhibition examines the core motivations, trajectories, and philosophies that have made the past decade more generative for new models of artist-run initiatives to exist throughout the city and suburbs. As they did in the 2009 exhibition, participating artists-run spaces have continued to transform storefronts, apartments, warehouses, garages, and nomadic existences into environments in which art can be experienced at its most experimental and critical stage. These spaces challenge conventional expectations of exhibition, discourse, and community, encouraging us to consider the nature of art-devoted spaces and their relationship to each other, as well as the neighborhoods they embrace and the artists they support.

Public Media Institute and Sixty Inches from Center are partnering with Hyde Park Art Center to produce the exhibition publication as a component of the spring issue of LUMPEN Magazine, distributed for free in many art galleries, museums and cultural venues across Chicago.”

- Hyde Park Art Center

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062 Artists:

Thomas Kong

Ed Oh

Participating Galleries

062, 4th Ward Project Space, 65Grand, ACRE Projects, Adds Donna, AMFM, Annas, Apparatus Projects,
Bad At Sports, Blanc Gallery, boundary,Chicago Art Department, Chuquimarca, Cleaner Gallery + Projects, Clutch, Co-Prosperity Sphere, Comfort Station, Compound Yellow, D Gallery, Devening Projects, Document, Experimental Sound Studio, F4F, The Franklin, Heaven Gallery, Iceberg Projects, Ignition Project Space, Julius Caesar, Lawrence and Clark, LVL3, Mujeres Mutantes, Ohklahomo, The Nightingale Cinema, Practise, Prairie, Roman Susan, Roots & Culture, Rootwork Gallery, The Silver Room, Slow, The Suburban, Sweet Water Foundation, table, Terrain Exhibitions, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Trunk Show, TRQPITECA, VGA Gallery, Wedge Projects, and Western Pole.


The Future Isn't What It Used to Be


Comprised Of